Obviously Fake Twitter Account Admits to Faking, Blames Journalists

The account, which previously tweeted that it was not a parody account, now lists itself as a parody account and blames journalists for not asking if they were a parody account.

by Evan Urquhart

Earlier this week a story about a group of supposed trans activists condemning Aretha Franklin’s song “Natural Woman” was covered by the New York Post and other right-wing news outlets. At the time, Assigned pointed out the many reasons to doubt the account’s veracity, while noting that they had publicly claimed not to be a parody.

The Twitter account, which currently calls itself TCMA: Trans Cultural Mindfulness Alliance (an apparent correction of the much funnier previous name, TCMA: Trans Cultural Mindfulness Awareness), now admits to being fake. In a Monday evening thread they blamed news organizations for not having contacted them, implying that they would have come clean if asked. They also rejected the suggestion that the outlets which were fooled were right-wing, despite mainstream media ignoring the story and it only seeing coverage in right-wing news.

The first person to actually attempt to fact check this was a @realDailyWire reporter, btw. So for all those trying to dunk on "conservative media" it was the conservative media who was the first to doubt this.

Previously, in replies to their public posts, the account had claimed not to be a parody, a fact that was noted in news stories about the group. At least one of those denials is still live at the time of this writing, although at least one other has been deleted.

Assigned will update our original post with the information that they have officially admitted to being an obvious parody, and a link to this story.

Evan Urquhart

Evan Urquhart is a journalist whose work has appeared in Slate, Vanity Fair, the Atlantic, and many other outlets. He’s also transgender, and the creator of Assigned Media.


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