Timeline: Chloe Cole Sues Docs

A detransitioned woman turned anti-trans activist, Chloe Cole, is suing the doctors who provider her with gender affirming care for medical malpractice. Our timeline here.

by Assigned Media

Chloe Cole, an 18 year old activist, is suing the doctors who provided her with puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and chest masculinization surgery with the help of the Center for American Liberty, a legal nonprofit that pursues far right causes. The notice of intent to sue, which can be found here, alleges damages from the treatments and names hospitals and insurance providers associated with Kaiser Permanente, as well as two medical doctors, and a psychiatrist. Find our prior coverage of the allegations, as well as Cole’s treatment timeline as laid out in the notice, here.

November 14, 2022: A couple more religious sites catch up.

Christian Broadcasting Network, Christian Post

November 13, 2022: Coverage spreads to include religious media on the right. (Assigned’s first story also happens here.)

Catholic Telegraph, Discovery Institute (creationist site),

Washington Examiner (2): follow-up opinion piece supporting lawsuits to stop affirming care

November 12, 2022: Coverage continues to spread through the right wing.

Washington Examiner, National Review

November 11, 2022: More right wing media outlets cover the press release and notice to sue.

FOX News, Daily Mail, Epoch Times

November 10, 2022: Cole announced her intent to sue her former doctors in a press release, and an extreme right site, the Daily Wire, was among the first to pick it up.

Tucker Carlson: Fox News’ resident white nationalist, extremely transphobic, farthest right on culture war issues (ie. the most hate-focused host) on Fox.

Daily Wire: Ben Shapiro’s culture war website, extremely transphobic, furthest of the far right.


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