Washington Examiner Writer Gives New Context to the Term “Brainworms”

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of a horror movie, Examiner writer Mark Judge gives a stunning performance of the “descent into” genre.

by Evan Urquhart

There are right wing writers I disagree with and right wing writers I think have genuinely lost all touch with reality. After reading this opinion piece by Mark Judge, from the rabidy transphobic Washington Examiner, about the lessons a 10-year-old horror movie, Sinister, can offer to parents about the dangers of allowing children to have a book read to them by a drag queen, that author has definitively placed himself into the latter category.

I wasn’t familiar with Judge, but a quick check of his page on Wikipedia seems to indicate he’s the friend of Mark Kavanaugh who hid out rather than answer questions formally on whether he may have been a witness to the sexual assault by Kavanaugh of Christine Blasey Ford, a PhD and academic, who credibly accused the now sitting Supreme Court Justice of raping her at Judge’s house when all three (Ford, Judge, and Kavanaugh) were still teenagers.

That, however, is immaterial to the question of whether Judge has lost the plot entirely. Submitted for your consideration:

Judge refers to Drag Queen Story Hour as demonic twice, pagan once, and unironically calls people who defend an event where clothed men read books to children in elaborate and exaggeratedly feminine costumes, monsters. He seems to exhibit no awareness that this might be considered unhinged or extreme, or of the centuries-long tradition of men wearing women’s clothing in the theater.

The reality is that it is no more demonic for children to be read to by a drag queen than it is for children to see a traditionally staged Shakespeare performance with all male actors. Judge is cuckoobananas, and is seeing demons everywhere. What’s really messed up, though, is that the Washington Examiner is still somehow considered a reasonably mainstream, if garish, right wing news outlet.

Evan Urquhart

Evan Urquhart is a journalist whose work has appeared in Slate, Vanity Fair, the Atlantic, and many other outlets. He’s also transgender, and the creator of Assigned Media.


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